Joy of Swimming 

Concetta Pipia posted under Poetry Tale-a-thlon S3: Poetry on 2023-08-22

today we dove into the waves feeling the rush of freedom, alive, as if the world had disappeared beneath us. each stroke propelled us forward, our bodies floating with effortless grace, in perfect harmony with the liquid embrace. everyone knows the joy of swimming, the ecstasy of being weightless, where worries dissipate, replaced with bliss. with every breath, we tasted exhilaration, each inhalation a celebration of life, as the water cradled us like a nurturing womb. i've been longing for this moment, this escape from the chains of gravity, and here I am, immersed in the realm of aquatic dreams. the water embraces us with tenderness, washing away tension, soothing fatigue, as we surrender to its gentle currents. the minutes blend into an endless stream, as we revel in the euphoria of weightlessness, a momentary reprieve from the burdens of time. with each plunge, we explore new depths, uncovering treasures hidden beneath the surface, unleashing our adventurous spirits. the hours elude our grasp, slipping away, yet our souls are revitalized, as the pool becomes a haven of tranquility. today we lost ourselves in the water, immersing ourselves in pure joy, as our spirits soared, weightless and free.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!