Joy Restored

Sudha Vishwanathan posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-56 on 2023-10-06

        Tears of grief had finally found their way through joy.  Prerna had been blessed with a healthy baby! She carefully held the pink bundle, cherishing every moment as her baby girl squirmed and made adorable faces.  'Asha, that will be our daughter's name. She represents hope in our lives,' Prerna declared, holding her close to her heart. Her husband, Gautam, smiled and gently patted her cheek in agreement. 'Don't you think she resembles me?' Prerna asked her mother, her eyes gleaming with excitement. Tears welled up in her mother's eyes. Eight long years had passed since Gautam and Prerna got married - years filled with stillborn babies, heartbreak, and unfounded blame. 'If this child survives beyond 24 hours, only then inform me,' Gautam's mother had demanded, pointing her finger at her son. 'And if the child meets the same fate as the first two, then you will heed my advice and marry the girl I have chosen.' Gautam knew his mother's argument lacked logic. How could Prerna be responsible for the fate of their first two children? But he also knew that this would be their last chance to have a kid. Prerna would not be fit for another delivery. The couple had defied serious opposition from Gautam's family when they got married. Their social statuses were not equal, as Gautam belonged to the Brahmin community and Prerna was of a lower class. Everyone believed that everything would be resolved with the arrival of a grandchild. The couple eagerly awaited not only their first child but also the reconciliation with Gautam's parents. However, their first child was stillborn, severing any chances of reconciliation. Two years later, their second child brought hope but only lived for a few hours, causing even more pain for Prerna and the family. Now, 24 hours had passed since Asha was born. Gautam had informed his parents that the baby had survived, and they were on their way to see them. There was hope for reconciliation. Six months ago at a home for orphans and destitutes, Gautam and Prerna's mother sat facing the administrative manager, a young lady. 'Sir, at the same time as you mentioned, a girl will give birth to an illegitimate child. I have obtained her consent. You will need to provide a generous compensation for adopting the child.'  Gautam and Prerna's mother nodded in agreement. 'But what if your child survives, unlike the other two? Will you drop the idea of adopting the kid?' The woman's concern was genuine. 'In that case, we will declare them as twins. Non-identical twins do exist,' Gautam asserted. Prerna's third child was stillborn. Asha had entered the world on the preceding day. With relevant documents and the approval and assistance of the hospital personnel, Asha discreetly substituted the deceased infant while Prerna was still under the influence of the epidural.  Even if the entire situation was founded on falsehoods, it had helped heal a woman's excruciating pain, and had successfully reunited a son and his parents. Author's Note The link to the story titled 'Tears,' whose last line takes the form of opening line of this story. Written by veteran writer Ms.Shivani Salil for quintale 04     Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!