Kingdom of Heaven

Shristee Singh posted under Flash Fiction Quintale-12 on 2019-09-22

“Kingdom of Heaven shall welcome you with love and light.” He walked away whispering these words in cloak-and-dagger. Startled, she turned around to see who it was!  But before she could manage to track him, he was lost in the crowded boulevard. Was it a threat? Or my imagination. Priya wondered. She had been working on a very confidential case, putting her life at risk. Working from day to night, she had left no stone unturned to dig into the bottom of the case which involved a spine chilling murder of a very influential politician.  Finishing her work, Priya picked up her laptop bag from the café and took quick strides towards the cab. When she entered her house, Rohan welcomed her with a surprise. “Someone has send you a card. I have kept on your desk.” Priya went to her room and picked up the card. It was quite unusual to receive a card at this time of the year. Opening skeptically, she wondered who may have send it. It was neither her birthday nor any festival around for greetings.  ‘Kingdom of Heaven shall dawn at the break of day.’ It read in bold letters. Priya was taken aback. What she took very lightly at the café was not as frivolous as it seemed to be. Someone had been following her. The note looked like a threat. Apparently warning her to stay away from the case. Going by the lines ‘Kingdom of Heaven’ it seemed someone was plotting to send her to heaven at the crack of dawn. A cold shiver ran thorough her spine as the idea of a bullet hitting her forehand flashed before her eyes. However, she shrugged it off, picking up a novel which she had decided to finish. She turned the pages, sinking into her bed. Days drudgery made sleep take over her gradually. But her mind was overtaken by the threat again. She got up with her heart palpitating and forehead sweating. Switching on the night lamp, she gulped down a glass of water. It was 4: 45 AM. She walked towards the window, discreetly lifting the curtains. She was careful enough that no sniper could see her, in case he was lingering around at this wee hour. All she could decipher in the stillness of the night was absolute silence and darkness looming over the buildings. Taking a sigh of relief, she went back to her bed and switched on the TV. As she did, a movie channel opened featuring, Kingdom of Heaven! Priya became alert. Someone had planned a cold-blooded murder for her, she was confirmed now. The time had come! Her phone rang. Without seeing the number, she picked it up.  “Hey sis! I am coming to your room to see the movie together! And don’t kill me for giving you sleepless night.” “Roooohannnn! You come to my room. See how I welcome you!” Priya said clenching her fists. There was anger in her tone but relief in heart! ________ ________