Leap of Connection

Roohi Bhargava posted under QuinTale-32 Short Stories on 2024-02-29

“Hey! I’ll be at the Town Square celebration. Will you come over to meet me?” Her mobile phone beeps, alerting her to the new message. She checks the phone and smiles to see the name flashing on the screen. She reads the message and starts typing a reply. "Hey! How did you know that Town Square hosts a party? I didn’t tell you," she replies, adding a few rolling eyes emojis. "I know everything, Ms. Shriya! You’re my friend, so I should know where you stay!" he replies, with winking emojis at the end. "Fine, Mr. Shreyas! I am looking forward to it. Meet me at Town Square, at 7 p.m sharp," she sends a reply. Yeah, she’s talking to her friend, a guy named Shreyas Malhotra. She met him at an IT conference in Mumbai, and since then, they've been connected through social media. They’re pen pals too. As soon as they started talking, they bonded well. It’s been one year since they’ve known each other and now he's telling her that he's coming to her city. She hails from Dehradun, known for its scenic beauty. She's a loner, enjoying her own company the most. She owns a flat in the city; despite having her own native home there, she prefers living alone. Shriya is a software engineer during the day and an author at night. She's gotten a few of her books published. She shares the habit of reading with Shreyas, and they often sit down to discuss the books they’ve read. It’s always fun having a conversation with him, and now that he’s coming to Dehradun, she’s excited. She’s eagerly waiting for the Town Square event. *** Town Square is a hotel in Dehradun that was established twenty years ago, holding yearly events in February. This year, being a leap year, is significant for the hotel, established on February 29th. They organize huge events every four years. The day arrives soon, and Shriya reaches the venue early, by thirty minutes. She shares her location with Shreyas and decides to wait in the waiting lounge. While waiting, she sips on a blue lagoon mocktail. She checks her phone when a deep, crisp voice greets her. He is Shreyas, the guy she’s been waiting for. “It looks like you’re waiting for me, young lady. Are you?” “Yeah, only if you’re ready to give some of your time.” “That’d be my pleasure,” he replies, taking a seat opposite her. They shake hands and laugh at the conversation they just had. She orders a mocktail for him and then faces him to talk.  “We’re meeting after one year, and it seems like a long time has passed,” Shriya exclaims as soon as their eyes meet. “You’re right. Though, I didn’t feel it much because of our constant calls and all those writeups you sent to me.” “Ah! You must be bored. Aren’t you?” she asks curiously. “No, in fact, they keep me sane. After a long day at work, I read your snippets, and they make me smile,” he replies. “Aww, that’s so sweet, Shreyas. You know, I have always wanted someone like you to read my work; I love it when you share your views and so forth, and I’m eager to share more of my writings with you,” she says cheerfully. “We have ample time today, Shriya. We can talk about everything that you want to,” he says, as his drink is served. “And then you’ll go away tomorrow, and we won’t meet for another year,” she asks, her tone saddened. “Shri, you know my job, don’t you?” he asks. “Yeah, I know. When we met, you said you’d be coming here for business purposes, and you said you always liked Dehradun. And now, you’ll go away?” she asks, dejected. It seems that she’s sad about the fact that Shreyas will have to leave after the party tonight, and she won’t get another chance to meet him. Well, they are just meeting for the second time, but the bond is special. Sometimes, you need to connect through the soul, and these two are connected spiritually. It’s said that when people match your vibe, they’re the truest friends. Shreyas and Shriya stare at each other for a good while, until someone taps Shriya’s shoulder. She turns around, only to find her friend, Taarika, glancing at her. “You’re here!! I’ve been searching for you everywhere!” Taarika says. “Sorry, Taarika, I met him here. He’s Shreyas, the guy from the conference.” Shriya introduces the two. “Oh, Hi, Shreyas! I’m so glad to meet you. Shriya talks about you often,” Taarika greets him. “Good friends are always talked about. She told me that you wanted to meet him. I came here for some work, and I got to know that there’s a Leap Year celebration here. So, I stayed,” he smiles gently at the ladies. “You did great! At least now, she’ll be fine for a while,” Taarika jokes while Shriya looks at her. “Ah! I understand. I had been telling her for some time that I would visit Dehradun and meet her, but I didn’t find time. And when I came here, my clients told me about the celebrations and at the same time, I messaged her and told her about my arrival,” he replies. “You did great, Shreyas. Come, let us show you around,” Shriya says and the trio moves around the hotel. There are many activities arranged for the guests. They play games; Shreyas wins two teddies in the claw crane game and he gives one of the two to Shriya. They try different cuisines and stroll around the hotel. It’s time to part ways soon. Shriya forwards a gift packet towards Shreyas. He’s astonished and denies it at first, but when she insists, he takes it and unwraps the packet, which is a customized wallet and pen with his name. Shreyas is touched by the gift. “I hope you’ll remember me when you’ll use these things,” she says innocently. “This is precious, Shriya. Thank you so much. This is a night to be remembered forever,” he replies, leaving her touched. They share a hug and then part ways. Their lives and passions have different paths.  *** Time elapses faster than you think. Three years have passed since they met at the celebration. Though they are still connected through social media, they long to meet one another. Shreyas is currently in Mumbai, while Shriya is still in Dehradun, working on a new startup idea. Over the years, their bond has deepened. Shriya is the one who texts him daily, letting him reply at his own pace. She’s the one calling him often and they talk for two straight hours. Well, that’s what friends are for. Shreyas does his part too; he fills her up with all the work he does, all his learnings from his projects and all the interactive and crazy things he does with his friends. Her series of stories and poetry is never-ending. All of these things have affected the equation between the two friends. It’s a fine day. Shriya is at home, working on a secret project, as per her. It’s almost midnight, and she’s typing something furiously on her laptop. At the same time, a beep sound distracts her. She checks her phone and her lips curve into a smile. Samarth’s name is flashing on the screen. It’s almost past midnight, and the guy is awake. She reads her message. “Ms Shriya, when are you planning to sleep? Or are you already asleep? I mean, it’s been a while since you are not sending any verses, huh?” “Oh, so you miss my verses and not me, Mister? Usually, you don’t even respond.” “I get lost in the deep meanings of the verses you send me. You should have been a writer, Shriya.” “Aww, that’s so sweet of you, Shreyas. I am working on something and I really wish the stars would work in my favour.” Shriya sends the reply with added emojis. His reply from the other end makes her smile again. He never fails to praise her, her art, and her beauty too. They have only met twice, but the affection and likeness are beyond the rounds of meeting. Sometimes, the bonds become strong even if you do not meet in person or consistently. Shriya is very lucky to have Shreyas as a loyal friend. She feels that things have accelerated from her end - she’s constantly smiling while talking to him, she’s sharing every detail of her work and life with him while him being an ardent listener. She smiles at the way her thoughts are drawing… You’re the ray of light in my life, A friend indeed, you’re precious, Precious than the holy love, You’re a saviour to my soul. She types the verse and sends it across to Shreyas, the one to whom it’s dedicated. She smiles to herself as she reads the verse again. Yeah, it’s not indicating love, but he’s surely more than a friend in her life. He’s an emotion and she wants to feel every bit of this precious emotion. She doesn’t know what he feels for her, but she pours her feelings into verses. Love happens by chance You find the vibes that match Things go haywire, Yet they stay, The one who loves you. It might be a thread for you But it’s a foundation, A base of friendship and refined love. Shriya smiles as she re-reads the verse and saves it on her phone. She’s constantly thinking of Shreyas when her phone beeps. She checks the phone and there is a message from the man himself. “For whom do you write, Shriya? Don’t say it’s no one?” “If I say it’s for you, would it change anything?” She replies. “Huh? But why would you do that?” He replied in an instant. “Just because I feel so, you cannot stop anyone’s thoughts and feelings, Shreyas. You might take it as if it’s for you.” “This is beautiful, Shriya. I don’t know how you write it, but you’re amazing.” “Hah! Thanks, buddy! I write all that I can’t speak. You can take it upon yourself, or wonder for whom it is.” She replies, adding a few ‘winking’ emojis at the end. As she contemplates her thoughts, something strikes her mind. She picks up her phone and there’s another message from Shreyas, which says that he has a surprise for her. She’s astonished and she asks him about it, but he doesn’t respond. All she can do is wait for his next message. *** Shreyas is in his cabin, diligently working on a project. He wants to finish it as soon as possible. Meanwhile, there’s a knock on the door and he allows the person inside. It’s Raghav, his best buddy in Mumbai City and the office. He takes his seat and glances at his best friend, knowing that he’s lost into some deep thoughts. “Shrey, I have a news for you.” Raghav says, bringing Shreyas out of his trance. “And what’s that? What’s so good other than the news of project completion?” “You might get the chance to meet her” “What do you mean?” Shreyas asks, he’s unable to understand his friends words. “Shrey! We have shook hands with an old client, you know, right? Boss wants us to handle it. And we need to visit Dehradun for the meeting. Isn’t it a good news?” Raghav asks, completing his statement, and gazes at his best friend. “Dehradun?” Shreyas’s face lit up with a smile as he embraced his best friend in a hug. 2 Surely, it’s a piece of good news for him, and at the same moment, a realisation strikes him. His demeanour expresses excitement and joy, all at the same time. He smiles to himself. “This is amazing news, Raghav. I just realised something, I thought, I will lose her owing to our distance, but now, I can go ahead and meet her, exactly on the day when I met her for the first time,” Shreyas replies with a smile. “All the best, Shrey, I hope you realise your feelings and express your love to her,” Raghav says, wishing the best for his friend. Raghav leaves Shreyas with the idea of visiting Dehradun. At the same time, Shreyas realises that it’s been three years since they met at the Town Square Festival and this is again the leap year, the time for the annual leap festival. He’s pretty excited with the thought of meeting her for another time. At the same time, the peon informs him that the boss is calling for him. Shreyas is glad at the moment and he walks into the boss’s cabin to discuss the project. After all, he’s eager to visit Dehradun and meet Shriya. *** Some days elapse and finally, Shreyas sets foot into the scenic city. He’s glad to be back here, Dehradun has been his go-to place during vacations and the scenic beauty tends to calm him. He loves roaming in the hills, he loves watching the waterfalls and the beautiful melody of the water, heals his soul. The joy of being in his favourite place is evident on his face. He has already informed Shriya that he has a surprise for her. Well, he had already decided to visit Dehradun but the company meeting and his realisation of the leap year got him energized ot meet her. He’s determined for something and no one knows about it. *** Shriya has returned home from the office. She changes into casuals and brews some ginger tea for herself. The warm drink soothes her mind and she feels fresh after a long day. She switches on the television, putting her favourite music channel and is enjoying her tea. At the same time, her mobile beeps with a message. “Hey! Town Square - February 29. I’ll see you there.” The message bears no name but Shriya gets the gist of the happenings. She knows who this person could be. She immediately responds to the message, but after that, there’s no response. She tries to call Shreyas, but he doesn’t respond. Shriya turns desperate, two days are still left for the Town Hall celebration. She is wondering what Shreyas is up to. It’s going to be a grand affair, she’s sure! *** Shriya is ecstatic about meeting Shreyas after four years. It’s the same day when they met four years ago, it’s the leap day, and it’s special. She gets all dolled up in a floor-length gown, with minimal makeup and open hair. She also checks a small packet, it’s a gift for Shreyas. She is way too excited to meet him. She can barely control her excitement, well, he’s pumped up her excitement well. She’s wondering what else is he planning? Moreover, how did he manage to come across to Dehradun that too, in February? With all such thoughts, and planning about opening her heart to him, Shriya reaches the venue. She enters the building, it is elegantly decorated and there’s a live music show going on. She looks around for Shreyas and spots him sitting on a corner table. She makes her way towards him and taps his shoulder. He looks at her and is mesmerized to see her. They peer at each other, in the eyes, life has brought them to the same place where they met at first. Back in the past, she initiated to call him to her city and he grabbed the chance. This year, he initiated his visit and called her to meet him. He embraces her in his arms for some good minutes, before they part the hug and sit at the table. “I’m glad you’re here, Shreyas. I’ve missed you.”  “I missed you too. And you know what? They say that the universe has it’s own plans. See, I was planning to meet you, but then I got some work in Dehradun, and I am here.” Shreyas smiles.  “Yeah, I know. I almost forget that today marks the day when we first met here.” Shriya chuckles.  “Yeah, the realisation hit me late, but you know, I have realised the truth, Shriya.” He says.  “What do you mean?” She asks, unable to understand his point.  Upon her question, Shreyas holds her hand, insisting on a walk around the fun fair. He needs time to express his feelings and what’s better than exploring the place and talking their heart out?  They roam around and enjoy their favourite foods. They both have a lot of things to say to each other. Shreyas buys ice cream for them and they sit on a swing in the corner of the garden.  “Shreyas, I must thank you. You know, the way you praise my writing is precious. Even my sisters don’t do so. And I want to know, do you really like all those verses I send to you? Or you just praise me plainly?” She peers into his eyes.  “I mean my words, Shriya. I don’t praise plainly. I really love all that you write.” He praises her another time.  “You know what, I have realised that distance has never messed up our friendship. There are days when we don’t talk, but it remains the same, unhindered. And this is what I love about you.” He says, making her smile.  “Some relationships flourish like ours, Shreyas. They flourish on trust. We don’t meet often, but I know that I have a place secured for you in my life and no one can ever take it.”  “I never believed in such bonds, Shreyas. But after meeting you, I have changed my mind. I am always eager to tell you about the smallest of things that happen or that I do. It only happens with some special people. “ Shriya glances at him.  “I agree, Shriya. I feel the same. And over the years, I have learned that you’re special to me.” Shreyas glances at her while she’s astonished.  “Every bond is special, Shreyas. I am glad you feel that way about me.” She smiles, while eating her ice cream.  “Past years have made me realise the truth, Shriya. I feel as if I have known you for years. As soon as I realised that this is the leap year, I just wanted to make this extra day, extra special for you.” Shreyas says. “What are you up to, Shreyas? Please tell me.” She looks at him,knowing he’s got hidden intentions.  Shreyas rises from the swing, while Shriya just keeps gazing at him. He takes his time and then, when he turns around, there’s a rose in his hand. He offers the rose to her… you’re like the drops of mist that spreads misty scent in the environment your smile is full of delight you’re the only peace of my zest.  Shriya is surprised, he has just said a verse in her honour, and she’s trying to process it. She glances at him and he’s smiling at her.  you heal my soul with all the love & care your smile is the source of my joy you’re special  holding all the essence.  She’s looking at him in disbelief, he’s learned to write verses and he’s stealing the show now. He gets conscious when he feels her gaze at himself.  “Isn’t it good enough?” He asks, doubting his skills.  “It’s brilliant, Shreyas. When did you learn this art?”She gapes at him.  “You taught me,” “I don’t remember it. I just share my musings with you. And you know, you can’t learn from what you read, in this case.”  “But you told me that emotions must be poured out somewhere, and the best way to keep them intact is to write them. So, I wrote these verses for my inspiration, which is you.” Shreyas replies, touching her heart.  “This is so pure, Shreyas. I truly loved them, & when it comes directly from your heart, it heals you.” “You are indeed precious, and so are these verses. You’ve surprised me.”  Shriya says, reaching out for his hands.  She presents him with a gift and he’s awestruck. He unwraps the packet and there’s a handmade DIY diary in the packet. He flips the pages in the diary and is astonished to find that it is filled with verses written by her. On the cover page, it’s his name written in calligraphy. As he flips the pages, there’s a blend of different emotions poured out in the form of verses.  “These are beautiful. And you choose your gifts wisely. I will cherish it forever.” He says it genuinely.  She acknowledges him and he holds her hands in the next instant. She’s surprised when he squeezes her hands.  “Shriya, we don’t meet regularly but with you, everything seems to fall at their respective places. It doesn't feel that we are meeting after a long gap. And I know the reason now.”  “We’ve been together even if we were not with each other. And this leap year, I want to leap into my life with you.”  Shriya is astonished at his words. He kneels in front of her, taking her by surprise. He takes out a small box from his pocket and opens it. There’s a platinum ring with the initials of her name—actually,  their names.  “In the last four years, I have realised your worth, Shriya. You’ve become a part of my life. And today I realise, what’s a better day than this leap day - 29th February, to take a leap into our new life? Would you like to spend your life with me? Will you marry me?”  Shriya is astonished, he has directly proposed to her for the wedding and she didn’t see it coming. She’s overwhelmed and she;s staring at him as he pull out the ring from the box.  “Oh my god! This is beautiful, Shreyas. I – I wrote everything in that diary, and here, you’re saying the gist of all that I wrote for you. I …” She says but pauses, she can’t find appropriate words to express her joy.  Yeah, she has also developed those pure and intimate feelings for him, but she was scared to open it up to him. Ane, he’s all set to propose her, in fact, he’s done.  Her traince is broken with a commotion and she finds many people looking at them, cheering her to accept his proposal, which she finally does.  “Think for another time, you’ll have to read all those love verses for your entire life, you know?” She winks at him.  “Happily, at your service, Love.” He replies, slipping the ring in her finger.  The people hoot for them, while Shriya leaps into his arms, giving him a squishy, warm hug, to make sure, she isn’t dreaming. He parts the hug, and gazes at her, as if understanding her emotions. He kisses her head softly, making her believe that it’s not her dream but the reality of her life. She acknowledges his gesture with a kiss on his cheek, and asking him to visit her home.  This leap year has surely brought happiness for Shriya and Shreyas.