Let Death Not Do Us Apart

Pradnya Surve posted under Flash Fiction Quintale-12 on 2019-09-25

“Hey Denis! Aren’t you ready yet? , Harry called out to his dear friend. “In a moment dude”, Denis rushed out of the front door hopping like a rabbit. They rushed to the station where five others waited for them. After the High fives and backslapping they boarded the train. Denis checked the contents of his bag feeling good about being organised this time. This trip to Goa was a last minute decision. Denis was exhausted and fell asleep in no time. “Hey what’s up”, the voice was more than familiar. “Oh Sid, you skipped basketball today?” “Just took a day off, wanted to meet up with you, long time man”, Sid sounded charged up.” Let’s go to the coffee shop “.  Sid chattered away excitedly. “I met Michelle yesterday. She has done a few fashion shows. We laughed over our second year pranks.” Michelle and Sid were the most loved pair in the college. Both were known for their curricular skills and sociability. The college festival had a different theme and look with their organising skills. Denis shifted restlessly on his berth. I am hearing Sid’s voice after a long time. He was in a deep slumber. All his friends were fast asleep oblivious of Denis turning and twisting in his bed.  “Am I talking to Sid, No can’t be, this must be a dream”. Denis’ body swayed with the movement of the train. The last few months were filled with sorrow and guilt. The impact of the trauma after the accidental death of Sid was immense. The sound of screeching tyres of the car haunted Denis every moment. Sid’s screams as his body was flung up in the air resounded in his ears.  “I can’t handle this”, Denis held his head as tears flowed down like water gushing from a burst dam. He saw Sid’s athletic frame at the basketball court dribbling the ball. The coffee shop where the group hung out became a haunted cafe for Denis. The trip to Goa was planned as a getaway from the scene of sorrow. Today, as he had a friendly conversation with Sid, Denis saw his subconscious unravelling his closeness to Sid. The bonding was beyond the coffee shop acquaintance or even friendship. Sid’s inner self unravelled much more to Denis than when he was alive.  “How could my friend part ways in such a tragic manner? The journey is not complete”, the whole group woke up with a start. Denis sobbed bitterly. But the catharsis transformed Denis. The beaches of Goa with foamy waves contributed to the brainstorming process. The rejuvenated group came back with grit and determination. Denis stated a fundraising drive with an initial contribution from his own savings. Sidney Alvares Memorial sports scholarship was granted every year to a deserving Basketball player in the College.   ___________________ ___________________