Life Frames

Vishwanathan Iyer posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-24 on 2020-11-13

“Can you fix the frame on the wall?” fumed Anamika from the kitchen. “It’s hanging upside down since morning. These days you don’t care for anything at home. You should have married your work, why me?”  Amar was just getting up, whilst Anamika gave an ace punch, “The family photo frame actually depicts our real life too.”  “Wait, wait, I will fix it now, please stop your punches!” remarked Amar hesitantly “it hurts a lot.”  ***** Amar was preparing breakfast just when he realized it was 7 ‘o’ clock. He went to Sid, “your school bus will be at the gate, wake up”.  He got busy with his breakfast preparations but when there was no movement even after 10 minutes from the bedroom, Amar annoyingly shouted “Sid, why don’t you understand, time is running away and you are still sleeping, get up man”  “Mamma, never used to get so angry on me” said a sobbing Sid rubbing his eyes.  “I’m so sorry, beta, Papa is so bad” Amar mellowed down. “I’ve to do a lot of work, so I get disturbed. But next time I will be careful beta, sorry once again,” “Now come on wake up fast. Freshen up yourself and join me for the breakfast”. “Papa, the Omlette is burnt even today” said a disturbed Sid.  Ohh, yeah beta, please adjust for today, I will make a better one tomorrow.” replied Amar.  “You know what, papa? This is happening so often now.” complained Sid. “Yes beta, papa will surely improve.”  assured Amar smilingly. “Beta, take care of your studies, be good at Shanti Aunty’s place till Papa returns back from Office” explained Amar in a concerned tone.  “Yes papa, but please come early, I don’t like that place very much.” Said Sid in a low voice Both finished their breakfast. Amar readied Sid for school and dropped him near the building gate for school bus. Just then, the mobile beeped, “See you at 11:00am in my cabin” read the message from his boss.  “Oh!!! Shit” cursed Amar and hurried back home. He had not been able to meet deadlines at the office since over a month now. “I’m just not able to manage all these stuff alone” thought Amar. Looking towards the sky, he said to himself, I miss you dearly, Anamika. You are seeing this, na? All these household works, Sid, his studies, Office – everything is messed up. Though many of his friends and parents suggested a second marriage, Amar denied the proposal stating it would affect Sid adversely. He was struggling in everyday life but was prepared for this challenge mentally. Life, which was sailing smoothly, now was navigating through turbulent times. It was seven months since Anamika had passed away in an accident. **** Just while moving to office, Amar noticed the photo frame was upside down yet again, he missed the complaints now. Silently, he went and fixed up the frame straight. This is done, who will fix mine? he thought and moved away.


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