Like a Mermaid

Nisha Tandon posted under Flash Fiction Giggles@Penmancy on 2019-11-13

Amisha splashed playfully in the swimming pool, oblivious to the other swimmers who had aced the strokes. She looked comfortable in her floating ring as she sang aloud in a language difficult for many to comprehend. But did she care? True to her name, that meant brave and radiant sunshine, Amisha was a vibrant 5-year-old, full of zest. Despite her disabilities, she was very determined. Once she set her mind on something, she ensured she achieved it. Being diagnosed with Downs Syndrome at birth, Amisha had milestone delays and was a slow learner. But that didn’t bog down her mother, Veena. She had given Amisha the best exposure to learn every single thing a normal child could, be it horse riding, adventure sports or yoga. Amisha enjoyed everything she did and always made Veena proud. As she splashed merrily in water, Amisha felt her float being pulled by Aman, her 10-year-old neighbor. Amisha instantly screamed aloud ”Bachao”... a word taught to her by her mom in case she needed help. Aman took pleasure in teasing her. He approached Amisha again and tugged at her float and she let out another scream, ”Bachao”. Anu, Amisha’s elder sister was watching from far. She knew how to divert her attention. Before Amisha could scream again , she called out, “Hey Amisha, smile for the camera.” And lo! The young drama queen forgot her fears and obliged her with a million dollar smile! It is one of the best memories captured which adorns the wall in their home today. This had the people lazying around the pool, in splits. Her behavior was often exemplary, with prompt responses to challenging situations. Her courage and attitude compelled their admiration. And she continued to make the most of her time in water... like a mermaid.


