Lilting Love Waltzing 'midst Verses

Gowri Bhargav posted under PenMuse-59 Poetry on 2024-01-11

Mon Amour! Let's weave our story in verses, dreary is the world mortal, Sculpting a fluid haven we'll journey across realms surreal, Our souls would be garlanded with fragrant lyrical roses, Dreary is the world mortal, Mon Amour! Let's weave our story in verses. Rhymes shall nurture our bond, betwixt lines parallel,  Adorned by ornate imageries, in bliss we shalt dwell, Traversing unmapped territories we’ll tether to refrains beyond, Betwixt lines parallel, rhymes shall nurture our bond. Counting seasons ‘midst syllables,we'll add rhythm to our ardent melodies, Our free verse life would flourish in hued tapestries, The passionate ballads we sing would resonate to pinnacles, We'll add rhythm to our ardent melodies, counting seasons ‘midst syllables.