Lost Childhood

Bilquis Fatima posted under PenMuse-11 Poetry on 2019-09-12

He maunders  in the corners  of the room, filled with ennui. Sometimes sitting on an empty  bench  Sometimes gazing  out of the window Nudging his tie, playing with his fingers His eyes roved from one parent to the next. Longing for the bliss he never had. Parents sat with their kids close, On wooden benches placed in rows Chatters and chuckles filled the air. Some bent over the report cards  While some cuddled and kissed their kids. A mother, at one table, pulling  out  a chocolate from her purse, fondly gives  it to her son, who gobbles it at once. While a father straightens his son’s tie. For him the session seemed like An ant crawling across a  hill. Taking out a lunch box from his satchel Languidly nibbles the leftovers. There in front a father and the teacher Nod at a child’s score with concern While the mother pats the child’s back. Laughing, chatting and caressing  The parents leave the class room Cards proudly held in their hands, waving. Loud “goodbyes” and “see you soon” Add to the chaotic air.  Then walks in a lady with curly hair  and with a gesture of her hands     Summons him to the teacher’s desk.   Opening a card in front of him Curtly talks forcing a smile.  Till now he felt he was invisible Looks on with a blank face.  Flipping close the report card, Tucks it in his satchel, guides him out    To go home to his old nanny.  The only one who would eagerly    Read his card and hug him tight. ______________ ______________