Lost Forever

Solanki Roy Chowdhury posted under PenMuse-15 Poetry on 2020-01-15

On a windy breezy day we planned to go out,  To the local fair we had heard so much about. As we made our way through the huge crowd, I looked back and could not see you around. I was frozen and numb with fear, “Where are you Grandpa dear!” I tried to scream and make a move, But somehow there was little I could do. I closed my eyes and tried to breathe, My pacing heart seemed ,away it would give. At that moment I felt a push too hard, I opened my eyes and was suddenly startled. A bad dream and nothing else it was, But the reality was so much worse. I looked around with sadness and heartache, As the lifeless body of my grandfather lay. It was time to bid a sad adieu, It was time to let go of his hand under the blue. The happy eyes and open arms to welcome me, Were lost to me for eternity! _______ _______ Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!