Love is in the Air

Shilpa Pandya posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-27 on 2021-02-23

"Wake up ! You lazy Mr Slider." "Oh ! What am I hearing? Is the sun rising from the West today? Your mellifluous sound is turning the lethargic me into the most energetic one. What's your plan dear Ms.Swingy?" "Come on ! Stop flirting with me. I have something special to say, that's why I bothered to wake you up." "Wow ! I was waiting to hear those magical words from you. Please carry on." "Slider, stop flirting now. Since the last ten months we have been standing idle here. No one came to visit us.  If I were talking and laughing with you, it's not a signal of infatuation. Stop giggling and listen to me now. I have good news to share." "Okay, okay. Don't get angry my dear. Tell me. I'm all ears now." Swingy twirled in delight and shed off the filth deposited on her beautiful chains. Her sparkling chains now clanked with the melodious notes. Slider was standing tall and firm, dried leaves piled up on its back stairs and the shining metal of the slide got coated in the dust.  "Well, the good news is, this park is going to reopen tomorrow and we will be meeting our adorable tiny tots again after ten months. Isn't it exciting news? I am so thrilled. After months of solitude at last our park will be echoed by the giggling and laughing of the little ones." "Oh my God. That's really awesome news.  I can't wait for tomorrow.  I have to be active now and make myself neat and tidy. By the way, why only kids?  I am keen to meet our young love birds too." The blooming flowers in the park wave in the joy and suddenly the air becomes pleasant and cool. "Hey, Swingy, feel the love in the air. Flowers are also waving to welcome lost vibrancy in the park. Now, with that great news of reopening the park, say those magical words too." Slider chuckled and wink again. Now Swingy smiled bashfully. "Slider, you are tall, shiny and strong. I too have an inclination for you. But, never expressed my feelings. I admire you for how firmly you stood beside me in the tough period of loneliness." "Swingy, my dear, that is what friends are for. I know why you delicately twirled yourself even when no kids were on your lap. The clanking of your shiny iron strings broke the monotony of the park. You oscillated yourself to break my tedium." Slider and Swingy exchanged the passionate glance. Branches of the old tree behind Slider shrugged itself and showered beautiful flowers on them.  "Swingy dear. You have made my day. My life and this park both will be going to bloom. But, first let's get sanitized for tomorrow's fun and don't entertain any kid until he or she put on the masks." Swingy and Slider waiting eagerly for the gates of the park to reopen and life bounce back again with innocent laughs and blushing love birds.


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