Love Undefined

Vandana Nadar posted under PenMuse-38 Poetry on 2022-02-16

"Excuse me." I heard a gruff voice as the merciless sun scorched my profile. I looked offensively behind, maneuvering impatiently my vehicle, at the same time. "From where did you get this?" To my irate looks, she didn't even give a dime. Following the direction of her prying eyes, I found them looking enviously at my possession so prized.  "This? This one just arrived in the college library." I chimed with sheer delight, nothing less than pride. It was funny to watch her tone change. “By when will you be done? You see, I had been waiting for this one to arrive.”  Her desperation made me smile for in her, I saw the reflection of mine and we stood there, forgetting all about oppressive heat or length of time. That day was marked as special down the memory lane when a bibliomane met another of her tribe. Thus, began our endless debates over the characters or content leading many a time to moments of laughter or even squabble of some odd kinds.   Actuality left far behind, we were living fictional characters in real time. She was my fiery and passionate Justine from the love saga that, on me had left its mark, so fine and I, her gentle Dingo from some fantasy tale's random line. Love crept in slowly, obscure and undefined, leaving its fragrant telltale signs looped in timelessness divine. It began to spread its canopy and sheltered us under its affectionate care, assuring pure emotions never die but deceptively hiding the fact that time doesn’t rewind. The mortals' youth, eventually declined and grains of time, slowly slipped from our hands, lost in the day-to-day grind.  Also, the longitudes and latitudes equally conspired to make us pine for the love that was never lost but sadly, confined. There are still phone calls, always ill-timed, yet, replenishing the souls, erstwhile passions, for a short while, feel realigned to be savored afterwards like a seasoned wine.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!