Luckiest Girl Alive

Sonal Singh posted under Book Review on 2019-05-16

'A great story that you can't put down!' – That is how Hollywood actress Reese Witherspoon describes the book “The Luckiest Girl Alive’ by Jessica Knoll.

The book chronicles the life of Ani Fanelli, a successful writer for a leading fashion magazine. However behind her seemingly perfect high society life of today lurks a dark past.

Jessica Knoll weaves the tale masterfully. In fact, the smooth narration and the many flashbacks that take the story forward, are so beautifully written that both the revelation of the plot and the ending come as a surprise. The language of the book is easy to follow, the narrative is smooth and the descriptions are vivid. In fact so vivid are the descriptions that Jessica Knoll recently admitted that the book is based on her real-life incident (a fact that I learnt after reading the vivid descriptions in the book).

If you love drama sprinkled with a healthy dose of thrill then this book is a must-read. I would recommend it more for women though.