Marriages are Made in Heaven

Pradnya Surve posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-34 on 2021-10-20

Today we must put in a word for Mansi. Many people will be coming for the wedding”, Madhu said to his wife as he mentally ran over a list of people he planned to meet. “I have asked her to wear that new saree”, Seema said in a feeble voice. Of late, she passed sleepless nights cerebrating about the future of her three children. Madhu,  inspite of meager earnings, had striven to provide good education and upbringing to his children. Seema supported by managing the household within limited means. Mansi had a brilliant academic track record. An accomplished dancer she also excelled in sports.  Mansi’s marriage now was uppermost on their minds now. Their other worry was Mansi getting rejected because of her father’s humble earnings. They had seen families spending huge money to get their daughters married. Mansi on the other hand was very clear about limited expenses for her wedding. She was vocal about her idea of marriage and relations. At the wedding hall, they mingled among people, relatives and acquaintances, their conversation intentionally mentioning Mansi and her achievements. “Why don’t you try matrimonial sites, nowadays everyone registers their daughters on two three sites”, someone advised Madhu. Just then Madhu spotted Pradeep, his old neighbor, standing at the other end of the hall. “Oh Dada, how are you?” Madhu was happy to see Pradeep his old neighbour. Pradeep was a qualified engineer and business man. “ Dada, we are looking out for a good alliance for my daughter Mansi. This is her horoscope and photograph. Please let me know if you come across any prospects”. A few days later…… “Dada, Amit is doing well in his business now. He has his own office and car. We are looking for a good girl”, Jyoti, Pradeep’s cousin was on the call.”Please let me know if there is any suitable girl in your social circle”. Pradeep completed the call as he had an office call to attend. As Pradeep shuffled through his papers, he saw the horoscope and photograph that Madhu had given him. He kept it along with his official documents. While sipping coffee Amit recalled his cousin’s request. “Why not send Mansi’s horoscope and photo to Jyoti. He got Jyoti’s Email ID and sent Mansi’s horoscope on email. Pradeep got busy and Mansi’s marriage was forgotten. “Dada, can we meet the girl”, it was Jyoti calling on a Sunday morning.” Their horoscopes are matching perfectly”. Pradeep arranged for a meeting between Mansi and Amit. After an initial meeting, the families met to get introduced. Pradeep took the initiative and had lengthy discussions with Mansi and Amit. He wanted to be sure that the alliance was suitable. Two months laterMansi and Amit got engaged to be married. The wedding expenses were borne by Amit’s family.  Mansi was welcomed with open arms. Recently, friends saw photos of Mansi and Amit along with their four year old daughter, holidaying at far East.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!