Me and My Little Singham

Amisha Shah posted under CrewToon Flash Fiction on 2021-11-13

'Third robbery!! The robbers are on a spree. Same building, the same area again. Mirchi Nagar, their favourite!' The news flashed.     ***  'Wake up Ajay. We are getting late for school. I do not want to be late on the very first day.’ I yelled at my brother.    ‘You are one cribbing person. Can't you just enjoy the sweet petrichor from the garden?’ sighed Ajay.    ‘You enjoy your slumber and sweet petrichor. I am off to school. I am appointed as the Head of the primary section and hate to be late.’    ‘You, the leader is a new hell. The previous one wasn’t enough that they added you to the band.’   ***   'Little Singham, you have to do something about the robberies. People are panicking, packing their bags. Our pride Mirchi Nagar is in danger!’ Flummoxed, I reached the police station.  My Superhero would indefinitely be in his uniform. A quirky mass adorned his face. Many times, I struggled to catch a glimpse of the real face beneath only to fail miserably. Nothing mattered till he responded.    ‘Don't worry, Alisha. Together we shall nab the culprits.’   ‘Yes. For sure. Can’t we get anything on CCTV?’ ‘No. The thieves are smart. They wear masks.’ I was confident he would conquer the inevitable. He was the youngest cop with superpowers.  Mirchi Nagar was his pride and he wouldn’t let anyone disturb its harmony.  Thus, began our mission. Everything was analyzed in detail. We left no stone unturned and scrutinised every piece of information with an owl’s spectrum.  The secret cameras were laid. We waited for the robbers on the first night. I was stationed in the camera room, Little Singham at the site to nab the robbers. Something kept me on my toes. Whether it was my pounding heart or the ticking clock, I couldn’t make out. But sitting alone in the police department my eyes couldn’t rest. I was scanning the CCTV footage. As the clock struck twelve, two heads covered in hoodies walked in. I alerted Singham.  The masked men crept towards their target spot, unawares of our watchful eye. As they climbed the stairs and were about to unlock one of the doors with their smart devices, Mr. Singham pounced on them. Yanking one of them by the collar, he tried to unmask him. Immediately, the other brought out a sharp dagger. I couldn’t sit in the control room anymore. The situation was getting riskier by the minute, and it needed some intervention. Alerting other units, I reached the spot to help my superhero. Though he needed no help whatsoever, to support him, was my moral responsibility. At least he was much better than my lazy bro of the same age, snoring perpetually. I was sick and tired of completing his tasks. But this wasn’t a time to think of a wastrel like him. The robbers turned out to be smarter than we thought. They had a backup. So, when I reached the spot, Mr. Singham was not combating with just two of them, but it was a gang that engulfed him. Like a real-life hero, he grappled with the five men kicking and punching him. ‘Run for your life chintu!’ The enemy in power guffawed as Singham was wriggling in their grip. How dare they call my Superhero, ‘Chintu’! ‘You are mistaken Mr. thief. I am not the cop. I am the Supercop. You will be soon behind the bars.’ THUD I hit the guffawing fellow with a stick. Perfecto! The gang was taken aback by the sudden invasion. All the masked heads pivoted. Singham grabbed the opportunity. He flipped the one holding him while the other was crushed under the body of the previous one toppled in air. Two were down.   With the same stick, I targeted the third thief now trying to run for his life. The strike culminated in his bleeding nose. The second bolt on his leg made him immobile. The coup de grace had to come from the Supercop. Like the flying Sikh, Singham dashed the last intruder and pulverized him to a pulp. Soon, the police patrol unit arrived and the thieves were caught.  I returned home thanking my superhero. What a dejection welcomed me!  Ajay was lying in deep slumber. Hey, but wait what was that Supercop uniform doing here? How come it was with Ajay?  Aaaahhh!!! My dump little brother was my real superhero. I snuggled with him in the bed. Together, we had to save this world.


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