Meet the Reds

Kajal Kapur posted under Flash Fiction Guest Posts QuinTale-27 on 2021-02-26

“She walks in every other day, eager and anticipating, but when she exits there is always a sense of melancholia about her,” he sighed. “What does she even talk about, while she’s in there?” “Ah, I am not too sure I am at the liberty of sharing that. I have been welcoming her here since the last four months and not once have I judged her. I don’t want any other to do that too.” “You think I’m judgmental? And you get that just because I am made of hard metal?” I was appalled he threw that in my face. His repudiation softened his eyes, “not that you’re made of metal…just that she is so hurt, I don’t know if you’d get it.” “Oh, I get it. You feel sorry for her. And that’s just about it.” “Actually, I just feel for her. She’s always bubbling with energy and he does not reciprocate with the same enthusiasm, perhaps.” “Much like us,” I muttered under my breath. “What’s that?” “I said, how does that even concern you?” I smirked. “Are you mocking me?” He flared, the red on his face getting a shade darker. I rolled my eyes reminiscing each day of our time together when we have had conversations about this young woman who walks right into his cabin dreamy-eyed and walks out glum. Somehow, this conversation would always get his goat. Phew, the Y chromosomes! Anyway, I was installed here last year and ever since all I have done is try to make him smile. This hunk of red, who loves delivering messages and has been doing it for ages, strangely enough does not seem to open up to anyone. When I moved next door, I knew I had to at least make an attempt. More so because I was instantly attracted to him. He was the pride of London in his smug shiny red suit, the sunshine bouncing off his glasses declaring how magnificent he was inside and out- transparent, approachable, welcoming. And yet, I still hadn’t broken into his wooden exterior. Ah! the embodiment of The British Telecom royalty! It was only days later when the girl walked into his cabin yet again. Dressed in red, as eager as ever. And lo! When she walked out, she was beaming as much. Soon she waked into the arms of a handsome navy soldier, back from his travels. As they kissed, I noticed the soft crimson show up on my guy’s face. Our eyes met, and something stirred inside me. I gurgled and oh the water came gushing out. And as I drizzled my fondness all over him, I couldn’t help but glance how he reveled in it, bathing in the sunshine and glowing with delight. That was the widest of his smiles I had seen. Ever. The British Telecom and the Fire Department hustled to bring the situation under control. Wish they’d known, we were now ‘the passionate reds’ -always out of control.


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