Men in Blue

Shweta Singh posted under PenMuse-09 Poetry on 2019-07-12

Men in blue, keep your eyes on the goal The World Cup, not the football goal. Crores of Indians world over will pray You are the predator, others’ the prey.  Devise the game plan piece by piece Face adversity, maintain your peace. Tired and hurt your hands, legs and sole Give your best, happy will be your soul. Nine other teams you have to beat Once the Cup’s home you can be beat. Victorious visions, have been seen Time to recreate a similar scene. We are invincible, the only one That's why people will say, India won. You’ll be wading through humanity’s sea Bring the Cup home, all would want to see. _________________ Pic credit: WallpaperCave Author's note: This is for the next World Cup now. _________________ _________________