
Beryl posted under PenMuse-18 Poetry on 2020-04-24

Before the caterpillar Became the butterfly She whispered to me Be patient.  Wait for Time  To work his magic On you. Since that hour Of communion With the winged spirit I have been waiting Like a wanderer Who stops by the edge Of the final forest Listening to the echoes Of his fading footsteps Lingering in the air Waiting for his voyage To end.  And at last Time, the magician, has come With hoary hands To open my heart, To spill the blood inside, Into a miracle Of mingling and merging With the universe. Then suddenly I remember The butterfly again Emerging forth From the confines Of her golden chrysalis And take to wings As she ascends the sky. And like her I too am transformed From the one  Being of the world Into the one  And everything  Of all existence. ____
