Midnight Tea with Dad and Wisdom

Palak Daga posted under Daddy Day Lessons on 2020-06-21

Dad’s midnight tea with splash of wisdom… Proudly speaking, I am my dad’s favourite kid, he is more like a buddy to me. He and I share a tradition of savouring each other’s company and have a routine conversation over a tea. Visiting to several surreal lands to some battlefields to discussing amazing personalities to unsung heroes of all the time to his struggle stories (that tops my list) and my flexible mind talking of my yet uncertain niche… We have analysed almost every horizon, But I vividly remember my wise man’s oration always ends with ‘Do what makes you Happy, I am here to support you’ As far as I remember, my father never scolded me or ever taunted me to engross myself into books and be the topper instead, he always tries to understand my part of the story. He gives me the courage to dream and try everything in my ability. My father has bestowed  me with the great tool of independence. Never thought just some heart to heart with my dad could give me all the strength or make me realise that this strength lies within. I am still discovering myself and never give up on myself as my dad never did or never will give up on me…  Just a side note, currently, we are learning the stock market…  _


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