
Munira Dalal posted under PenMuse-21 Poetry on 2020-07-14

Nothing but an optical illusion is a mirage The heart and mind play tricks on our senses We chase it and find it’s a mere delusion  A fleeting transient picture is our life at every stage The lure of fortune and wealth attracts many Mansions and luxurious lifestyles do make a rich montage These treasures and bundles of notes are only a dazzling chimera You’ll  leave them behind, when life puts your act  offstage We’re all on a journey but our destination is in camouflage Along the way, life unveils its varied matches and pieces Choose the pieces wisely to make your life’s splendid collage Success, fame, money buys happiness is just an illusion We portray pride and confidence with attitude and panache In reality, we’re seeking our oasis in a state of confusion _______________________________


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