My 'Cold' God

Bindu Sharma posted under PenMuse-14 Poetry on 2019-12-15

His head bowed in utter resignation, Christ hung crucified at the alter, Thence I stood before him, Seeking, Asking, Longing, But for some peace, Instead the deafening silence mocked me, You! You want peace?? Go! Go, for tears are your destiny,  Tears your fate. I went, I contemplated, I walked, And my unsteady footsteps led me  To the threshold of a single word, Allah. My heart screamed silently, I know not how to imagine you, But you have the power to wield the world. Resurrect my life, Lord! An eerie silence greeted my plea, It went unheeded... I traced my dragging feet to yet another haven, Of goodness, Of mercy, Of miracles, Sat Lord Krishna, Ensconced in his throne, Blue was his hue, With a thousand jewels He shone. I prayed, I cried, I worshipped, But my lamentations went unheard, And now, With the ruins of my world around my feet, I am content, For nothing remains to be destroyed. And as for God.. Talk not of him. WHAT IS HE? WHERE IS HE? WHO IS HE? ___ ___