My Garden of Thoughts

Vandana Nadar posted under PenMuse-31 Poetry on 2021-06-21

My lonely self today rambled through my garden of thoughts. There was time enough to linger on each of them Some made me smile but others left me agonized. For, these were the ones with large, gnawing stems. No one left to comfort me with a cuddly warmth. My lonely self today rambled through my garden of thoughts In the depth of my soul myriad of emotions swarmed Like threatened bees stinging me everywhere with repugnance and malevolence. I was left defenseless, vulnerable on the verge of breakdown Tears of sorrow and penitence streamed through my lamenting eyes My lonely self today rambled through my garden of thoughts. Blinding my heart with desires to seek long forsaken ties. Suddenly, as if by a jolt, a revelation did strike That to move on and restart is the wise option Because undoing past can’t happen as much as one likes My lonely self today rambled through my garden of thoughts. Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!