My Musings

Deepa Jandial posted under PenMuse-22 Poetry on 2020-09-20

A dream, I have forever nurtured, To breathe in the uncontaminated air, Without any anxiety, apprehension, stress or fear, My musing! A dream, I have perpetually woven, To build such a kind of society, Free from the immoral behaviour or people sleazy, My musing! A dream, I have continually envisaged, To change the mindset of people, What makes them think a girl is feeble? My musing! A dream, I have incessantly wondered, Why consider women a mere object? Doesn’t the bearer of a new life deserve respect? My musing! A dream, I have endlessly pictured, To make my life beautiful and worth, Spread all around love, sunshine, cheerfulness and mirth, My musing!


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