Nature's Opera

Debashree Basak posted under PenMuse-36 Poetry on 2021-12-09

Welcoming vivacious blooms
Evanescing wintry gloom

The first glimmers of verdant green
Lends vivid verdure jocund sheen

Rime thaw, pure glistening ebullience
Nature blooming in sheer opulence

Life flourishing enclasped by tepid sun
Gleaming clouds rippling the azure with fun

'midst amber soaked streams of sheer exuberant glow
Robin hums fecund song, mellifluous flow

Green carpet to heavens boughs
Rosy hope like lover's vows

Draping melting icy bouquet
Harmony surges gloom decay

Blossoms blush in surreal glory
Bloom parade chants a gleeful story

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