
Pritam posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-16 on 2020-02-25

Puffed eyes were trying to discover the lost colour she had dreamt. Perhaps. The lush green bed seemed endearing, infinite. Parvati had lost the courage to even dream it. She had never thought of making it to home. 7 year is a long journey. Much of known faces, she’d been familiar with, obliviated behind the curtain of time. Parvati broke into inconsolable tears. The pain and agony, she had endured, drained down her face in sparkling silver.  Memories lifted her heavy heart. The small house she had fondled, the school she was desperate to attend everday, the temple and every other sacred place she used to travel to, resurrected the soul which had perhaps died ages ago.  But again, the next moment, her beautiful memories had been pushed aside. The nightmare of having to allow stranger in her bed suffocated her. She was abducted and sold to unknown identities. Never did she imagine that she would be forced to share her bed and flesh with them. Later, she would feel it that she was not alive. Everynight a corpse used to bare her body and part legs.  Then, one day, a beautiful sun drove the darkness away. The destiny came to her rescue. A team from the government disentangled her of the tortuous web.  But, despite her endless attempts to find a shelter, she was hardly accepted. Then, one day, Raqueeb happened.

* * *

Raqueed was tensed. It was certainly much easier for him to waive petticoats and gowns than beautiful dreams. The love he nested for Parvati, bit by bit, left him restless. Everyday, mustering up the courage, he had tried to confess to Parvati his undying love. But easier was it for him to say than doing. Finally, he decided to take her back to her village. Hoping to lighten her up and confess to her. As they inched close to her beautiful home in a serene village by the valley, her face started glowing. And Raqueeb recited in her mind the way he would put his heart to her. Finally, the following day, when Parvati took him along across her village, Raqueeb was determined.

* * *

Raqueeb held her tightly and comforted her. They stood before a lush green field. From school to her home, she had to walk a mile. And this playground would rub her feet.  “I know how much this place means to you. Pari, the nightmare is over.” “Hmmm” “I’ve decided to leave you here. I’ve to go back”. Raqueeb held his tears. “So that some monster finds me again to feed on”. “No. No harm would come to you. I’d never let that happen”. Raqueeb caressed her face. “My nest is you, have you not understood it yet? You accepted me when no one did.” “But I’m Muslim. Would you still accept me?” “My soul has found a home. I’d never allow my religion to set it on fire.” She leaned on him. Her face nestled in his collar. Knocking on the door. ____ ____