Never stop in life

Saumya Ojha posted under PenMuse-18 Poetry on 2020-04-16

In this situation of Pandemic Keep your hopes high Like a mountain standing deserted  And patience just like  A river streaming positively knowing In the end, she has to meet the sea When the crisis has come Face it like the sun shines alone in the sky He comes after defeating darkness And brings a new ray of light Embrace, every day with a new faith The moment is here will never be the same What comes in this world has to go Whether the days, situations or persons So live every moment with motivation You will never have this life again This  golden chance is here, redeem it With full courage, patience and confidence These moments are hard  But, it teaches us many things Life is not always the bed of roses Sometimes we have to walk through the thorns But the thorns make our feet more strong The sun never leaves to rise The river never quits to flow The stars always shine the plants always grow These lessons from nature say Never stop in life...never stop in life


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