
Charulatha Panigrahi posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-15 on 2020-01-28

When at the beautiful Switzerland, I could not think anything other than the majestic mountains, the elegant rivers, lakes and the aesthetic natural beauty.  For the weekend we decided to journey to mount Pilatus. The visit was planned as to use the various types of transportation available in that country. From the hotel we rode tram to reach the station  and from there a metro to the lake.  The beautiful ferry we boarded had all the modern eminities. The serene  lake Lucerne was to be crossed to reach the base of the high mountain. Having breakfast  and watching the scenery through the cabin window was simply beyond description.  The far away  blue hills were covered with white clouds  and high mountain tops with snow were dazzling with morning Sun rays were awesome. Children were thrilled about the ride on clogged train to the mountain.  My eyes caught the  boat going  on the lake with a huge sail. How  much I loved to draw a boat with a sail when I was a little girl. The teacher explained the mechanics of the boat floating in water propelled by the sail. The boats sailed according to the adjustments made with the wind flow. Wonderful it was.  The thought of maritime came into my mind. The school history book unfolded in my mind's eye. Vasco da  Gama  discovered the sea route to India. After staying in India Vasco da Gama returned to Europe with a rich cargo which he sold in the European market. The Dutch followed them. At that time ships were propelled by sails. There were no engines and fuel.  Trade started by Arab traders through Konkan Gujarat coast. After a long time the British ship Hector landed in India. East India company was formed and the British ruled Indians for about 250 years and rest is history.  The ferry touched the shore and I came back from the reverie.  Many more tourists were there from across the world. The beauty had attracted every one.  Tickets for the clogged ride were purchased. There was a mixed feeling of fear as well as pleasure in riding it. Whistling and shouting with joy was heard from every mouth as the train started its motion.  The surrounding scene was delightful. The flora and fauna and the hills  made me nostalgic. How much I loved to paint hills with a rising Sun ! Alighting from the train on top of Mt Pilatus a heavenly feeling engulfed me. Oh the sky can be touched! To look below it was scaring. The cold, the height both  gave a different feeling. We entered the heated room. Through the glass panes scenic views were visible. Time came for the descent. That would be with cable car. From above to below from the other side of Pilatus and it was more beautiful than the other side.  To be in company with nature is divine. Sorrows, tensions vanish when one is amidst the radiant, enticing, enthralling hills, sea, clouds, flowers and birds.  ___ ___   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!