O Nature!

Kokila Gupta posted under Poetry Tale-a-thlon S1: Poetry on 2021-08-08

Rainbow finches in cerulean skies
Autumn leaves pirouetting in zephyr
A star pinned lustrous on dark drape of night
Fireflies shimmering like stardust in air
Few translucent pebbles of milky hues
Or gold from eyes of a peacock's feathers
A dewdrop dazzling on the blade of grass
Sienna marigold of a scared flame
Moon-kissed hills caressed by lilac breezes
Blueberries dangling on verdant vine frames
Scent of fruits ripened under mellow sun…
Each sight - a blessing, rendering soul free,


Tranquil are all my yearnings, O Nature!
I bow as I have experienced thee.


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