O Thief!

Kokila Gupta posted under Poetry Tale-a-thlon S1: Poetry on 2021-08-11

Flowers blush in pink bloom again
Seasons, you note my boundless joy,
And sing aubade of your gold morns, from my mirthful refrains!

Green leaves wither pale dry and fall
You mimic my despondency,
To cast and unfurl your amber feathered autumnal shawl!

Thy bowers bloom in carmine shades
Dipped in bleeding wounds of my heart,
Fresh and red, no wonder O spring, your beauty never fades!

Thy moon smoulders on frosty nights
The pilfered jewel of my soul, 
Shines on your darkness, the love of my life, light of my sight

Winds, in my lamentations grieve,
Your rains weep with my tears; my dreams,
Reflect in your sun kissed streams, and I've caught you now, O thief!


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