Ode to a Friend

Moumita Dutta posted under Guest Posts Poetry on 2020-03-08

“She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.”  — Proverbs 31:26

You are strength; perseverance is your attitude. You are an enigma, phraseless are your elements. You submit passively to your loved ones, And demonstrate strength at all situations. You are adorable, unpretentiously artsy. You are clothed with poise and potency.  Your spectacular bravery met no despondency  Amazing is your personality. Your aura is angelic, Your deeds futuristic  You fail, you fall.  You stoop, just to stand tall Tradition, your attitude portrays  Grace, your personality displays.  Your are intelligent, wisdom is your clout You don’t disguise neither do you tout Your voice is fearless, your mind, patient.  You raise the fallen, support the feeble. You are down to earth and dependable Judgments witness your compassion and charm You are a good daughter, with speech quite firm You don’t let troubles to bring you down, inner strength is your gown You blend logic in disputes, calm assertiveness in your character.  You help to learn of bonds dear, ain’t afraid to speak clear Determination controls your will, courage befriends you in all. You adjust to every circumstance, you empower over all. You are kind and helpful, your words fruitful You see good in all, be it short or tall. You persevere to empathize and enlighten. Feisty and independent at all seasons, you remain.   Deep questions and arguments, you acknowledge  You opine and patiently hear others say. You pardon follies, woeful souls find solace in you. You point out faults, extend understanding You let others be honest without care And dare your comrades to be fair You are a guide and in faith you stride. Jocund is your company,  You are someone’s destiny You instill confidence, arouse belief. Your presence offers a sense of relief.  You share your time without a dime And I thank you for being a mime You helped me measure, my speech and deed And advised me to pay some heed. You heard when the world turned deaf You lingered as a person safe.  You are honest,  And rarely stir to protest. Immense tolerance is your mate. And I continue to  pray  For your good fate. ___________ ___________   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!