Oh, Aubergine!

Sheetal Ashpalia posted under PenMuse-32 Poetry on 2021-07-07

Oh, my belly! Do not grumble, be humble, I just scanned the fridge and found only brinjal. An eggplant some say, some call it aubergine, To eat or not to eat, you know is your call, Let me remind you, it's better than sardine. Hush, dear girl! Don't wrinkle your face at the thought, It's famished hunger right now that intervenes. The purple vegetable's company is sought, Pity, before my body and mind crumble! Gourmet meals although satiate the senses, Too many, lead to heavy consequences! Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!