Oh My Mark
Dedicating few lines to the magician, Mark Zuckerberg,
He provided us a tool to melt the emotional iceberg.
A book that reads varied faces, some true few distorted,
Lost relations got a new life and happiness transported.
Travelling, inform to the World and make everyone jealous,
Enjoying lavish food or exploring street food, just tell us.
Promote your business or flaunt your love life,
Diffuse jubilation as we are walking on the edge of knife.
Old parents pleased to see their children in foreign land,
Heartfelt Mark is boon for us with his magic wand.
Obliged to him, we get the space to discover our potential,
Press like and comment your views, it's now essential.
Image source: https://qz.com/877434/facebook-fb-ceo-mark-zuckerbergs-2017-resolution-is-to-meet-americans-in-real-life/
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