
Saumaya Gupta posted under PenMuse-47 Poetry on 2022-12-17

Vessel of nerve and strength, Holds in, loads of contempt. Shaped under angst and pain, It leaps time and again. Hands force, so enduring, Moulded it splendidly. Of your love, forever, It will be a carrier. It will hold not just tears, But also will store smiles. Once clay, now an apt piece, My day, its hues brightens. Breath, fresh one, it gives me, And a reason to live. Vessel, my family, Fills me with gaiety. Always, I will love it, Till last, the dearest one. Glossary Ohana- A Hawaiian term for ‘family’ Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!