On A Moonlit Night

Arpita Bhattacharya posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-51 on 2023-04-08

One night, when the moon had started her journey across the sky, the short and stout Mr. Portly, thought, 'Let me go to see,  if the tears of the moon have fallen  on the flower beds.'  This was not the first time, to the garden, in the night, he tread. For ,it was during these solitary walks,  that he came across the hidden vessels of health.  The flower beds had secret haunts of nimble fairies who took flight with hanging pots on full moon nights, in stealth. The tears of the moon were radiant but adulterated with mists and water vapours that made it the favourite for jumping frogs that fell instead. One, two, three...the frogs fell and jumped off the netted vessels. ' First , there was Porty's favourite,  Brighta's ; followed by Gessel's. He knew he had to hurry with his sojourn at the hidden haunt of the Stringed Brussels. There was the dancing toad, Gobbles, who often was seen performing a springing dance in the vicinity. Gobbles wanted to carry away the vessels for his fellow toads who had their resting place near the willow tree.  The tears of the moon had powers to heal, make the heart as strong as steel. Mr. Portly wanted them to make necklaces for sale for those seeking gifts to heal. Gobbles wanted them for tonic to leap high and swift. He and others wanted to grow out of sorrow- the gift of the willow, to become sprightly and quick. So, the fairy queen Brighta, had her fairy queue behind her, carrying the filled vessels before placing them to rest. She lined all the vessels along the tulip bed, and made a note of all the vessels to be distributed among Mr. Portly, the toads , offering her in exchange their best. Mr. Portly, the dwarf living in a toadstool, offered her the best necklace set. Gobbles offered a woven net of willow branches, to circle the fairy land, to keep away the prank of imps in wait. Gobbles had an eye for Brighta, who carried her head high about her. His sprightly dance, almost made her laugh, which she kept under wraps, diving under the flower bed to decanter. When all the tears of the moon was distributed, Gessel; her favourite appeared agitated. ‘What is the matter?’ Brighta asked frightened. ‘It is Willop, the imp I see!’ ‘ I see him peering from the corner of the willow tree!”  Meanwhile...‘ Ouch! Help me, I stepped on a hedgehog, resting on a couch!’ Stepping out gingerly, Brighta and Gessel found Willop howling in self-pity! Along his side stood Gobbles, chivalrous, akimbo; promising him more pain if he dared to trespass, trying to get naughty.  And so my tale tapers to a close. Among those of you, who are eager to know more;, tiptoe to the forest of fairies and ambrose.     Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!