On the horizon, the cradle rocks!

Mrinalinee Patro posted under PenMuse-18 Poetry on 2020-04-14

The lure of the distant enigma beckoned for the expedition, An irresistible spell cast by the aura of the delightful vision. Tiny acrobats of apprehension somersaulted in the heart, The destination is a mirage, emphasizing from the start. Fortified to brave all obstacles through their breadth and length, The trepidations were put to rest by unleashing the inner strength. The gentle embrace of the waves helped ungirdle with prudence Triggering the moment of adieu that gave rise to emotions intense. Yet again, on my own, treading the path of a new unknown, Mercilessly inveigled by the wind, yet impossible to atone. Dancing and toggling synchronized with the crests and troughs, The cradle vehemently braves the smooth and the roughs. The coquette breeze flirts with the sails, caressing and tossing, But valiantly succouring in the face of a tempest ensnaring. The gentle waves when in the doldrums, becalms with its lullaby, To break this hum, the tumultuous typhoon attempts a futile try. Sailing smoothly the dark silhouette looms on the horizon, Interweaving the elements of nature to create a mellifluous unison. With flair and panache, on the ocean this mammoth cradle rocks, The hysteria of the voyage culminates when on the shore it knocks!


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