One Fine Day

Rohini Jayanti posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-18 on 2020-04-18

Savitri was working as a cook in a gated community. Sometimes, her 12-year-old daughter Khushi also accompanied her mother, especially, if her mother was going to Anupama’s house. Anupama’s daughter Anaya had Hindustani music classes every evening.  Khushi had an ear for music. She could sing almost any song she heard, from classical to Bollywood, but her parents could not afford to send her for music classes. One day when Savitri and Khushi went to Anupama’s place, as usual, they saw Anupama and her husband, sitting and listening to the radio.  “Come Savitri, Anaya had gone to AIR for her recording. It will be broadcasted in a few minutes. Sit and listen,” said Anupama.  All of them listened to Anaya’s song. Khushi closed her eyes and listened, with an ecstatic smile on her face. Anaya’s voice hypnotized everyone around. “Anaya beta sings very well. She has a beautiful voice Memsaab”, said Savitri as she walked to the kitchen. Khushi remained in the implausible realm of music. Next day evening, when Anupama was working on her system, she heard someone singing in the kitchen. She kept her laptop aside and walked towards the kitchen. There she saw Khushi singing the song, which Anaya had sung at AIR. She was surprised to see Khushi singing so well. “Khushi, you sing so well. Where did you learn this from?”, asked Anupama “I heard this when Anaya di was practising”, said Khushi adorning a wide smile.  Savitri, you never told me that Khushi has such a beautiful voice and she sings so well”, she asked.  “Memsaab, whatever she sings, she learnt from Anaya beta. She comes with me every day to listen to Anaya beta’s music and she sings most of the songs that are played on the Radio too. But what to do, we can’t afford all this”, Savitri said expressing her helplessness. Next day when Savitri and Khushi went to Anupama’s place, Anupama called Khushi. ” Khushi you will be learning music along with Anaya from today, and this is your music teacher”, said Anupama pointing to Ms Pragnya. “I hope you will reach great heights “. The joy on Khushi’s face was inexpressible. She ran in tears and hugged Anupama. “We are grateful to you, memsahib. Thank you for all this”, said Savitri smiling through her tears. 6 years later, Khushi took a deep breath. The recording theatre was quiet. The background music began followed by her beautiful voice. Savitri sat near the radio listening to her daughter’s song and she smiled shedding tears of joy. 


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