One-night Story

Priti Dhopte posted under Poetry Tale-a-thlon S2: Poetry on 2022-08-14

Over and over I look up at the sky A cold breeze passes around whispering Evening's to end & my emotions sway Quitting all chores my mind rests The sweet fragrance of blooming lily entices Welcoming the withered heart to lay in ease Knock! Knock! Hum the moon in awe I'm here to show memories of undying love On life's adventure with rise and fall of hope Thoughts of failure and success at bay Looking at the shimmering moon with zest Forgot I my pains penetrated deep within I close my eyes as moonlight falls on me Breathing slow wrap I in the thermal blanket Leaving aside all the uncertainties of time I fall asleep under the canopy of grace   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!