Only Wish

Namita Rathore posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-28 on 2021-03-24

“Why thriller and horror always, why not romance this time?” Asked Shweta eagerly.

“Because love and romance seem scarier to me,” John smirked.

“What is scary about love?”

“The whole concept of being stuck with someone and ensuing horrible societal norms.”

“I see it as a beautiful companionship,” gushed Shweta.

“Well! That only time can tell, but I am in no mood to experiment, especially when there is so much more to do. You know I am going to a big production house for my next film as a director.”

“There are so many writers and directors out there. Does everyone decide to remain single?” She was infuriated.

“They may be in friendship with their work, but I am in a relationship with my work,” John snuggled towards her on the park bench.

Shweta pushed him back. “I want to move ahead in life with you.”

“Hey! You very well know, I am there with you always…” John tried to console her.

“Being there is not enough. Why can’t it turn into wedlock, what's stopping you?” Shweta interrupted.  She was determined to have an answer this time.

“Look, I have the most loving parents and I know it’s hurting them. This is the only wish they have now.” Shweta’s eyes were filled by now. Drops were about to spill.

She gathered all her courage to utter, “Just answer me in Yes or No.”

“No!” Said John, avoiding eye contact.

Tears dried in her eyes. She walked through the floral passage and went away just like the time, never to come back. It was Christmas Eve.

Years went by. John was quite popular now because of his back-to-back-thriller movies.

On every Christmas Eve, an inner urge would always take John to Shweta’s parents. He used to ask them if he could meet her once.

“I just want to meet her once Uncle. This is the only wish I have. I won’t disturb her or her family”. But they never told him her whereabouts.

John’s sixth thriller failed badly at the box office. He had put all his assets into producing this ambitious project.

Soon things started changing friends became fewer, popularity went down drastically and critics were more than ever.

This Christmas Eve, John could not wait till evening and reached Shweta's parental home early in the morning. While hearing the sound of the opening door, he could also smell the familiar fragrance. Shweta in a yellow floral saree appeared in front of him.

“Mummy..” An around four-year-old girl was pulling Shweta to the kitchen. Shweta asked her to wait.

“Can I see you every Christmas eve? This is the only wish I have?” John asked hopelessly.

To his surprise, Shweta said: “Yes!”

Drops spilled over their cheeks. Without waiting for another second, John turned back and left.

John got another glimpse of Shweta after one year at the same place.

On Valentine's Day next year, a movie was released “Only wish: the romantic tale” directed by John D’Souza.


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