Our Blitz

‘Rottweilers..the word blinks and flashes red Many dissuaded us from having One But our’s was a docile and a loyal One Who could be controlled with a paper scale None dare enter our lair, lest he was bound Guarding our Abode, without a flounder Slept we all soundly, without a care Tail less, his tail bone danced with elation As our motor car, enters our conduit He hurls himself against us with a thump Almost keeling us over, jumps with joy Sometimes growl did he,when he became irked But came back sheepishly, licking our hands But.. when he succumbed to his failing heart Part of our lives was sluiced away from us Left my children to grasp with the harsh Truth Life is short and Death is the eventual truth Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!