Pancha Maha Bhootas

Aparna Patwardhan Bhat posted under PenMuse-30 Poetry on 2021-05-18

Humans have same elemental formations. Composed with the basic five elements. Panch Bhootas represent all cosmic creations. These faculties are always in agreement. Core vitals make up any living organism.                Composed with the basic five elements. Sound, touch, form, taste, smell are in metabolism They are everywhere and in perfect union  Core vitals make up any living organism. Akash, Vayu, Agni, Jal, Prithvi in communion. Intrinsic patterns in every human being. They are everywhere and in perfect union. Five sense organs in humans always agreeing. Alive on Earth or anywhere in Universe. Intrinsic patterns in every human being. Imbalance of these would result to be worse. Healthiness and happy mind should be the foundations. Alive on Earth or anywhere in Universe. Panch Bhootas represent all cosmic creations.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!