
Sheena Jain posted under Daddy Day Lessons on 2020-06-21

The doorbell rang and Sara opened the door. As David entered the house, he noticed the harried expression on her face. His eyes searched for little Annie while Sara brought him a glass of water. “Where is my little fairy hiding?” David asked his daughter Sara. “She must be in her room,” Sara said looking rather uncomfortable. “Actually, she is upset. I scolded her and,” her voice trailed off and David could see guilt writ clear on her face. He got up and went inside where Annie was lying face down on her pillow. “Wake up sweetheart. Look what grandpa has brought for you.” Annie turned over and her innocent eyes looked for some comforting words from her grandpa. David picked her up in his arms and handed her a chocolate. “Mumma screamed at me and slapped me, I will never speak to her again. Let Daddy come, I will complain to him.” “She did? Oh, you don’t say? I am her Daddy and I will teach her a lesson. You don’t have to worry about it ever again. Tell me what happened from the beginning.” Annie told him how Sara scolded her badly when she refused to study for her test. David looked at the second grader with empathy. “And then she slapped my face. I don’t like her anymore. She is a bad mumma,” Annie hid her face on David’s chest. After an hour of playing with Grandpa, Annie was asleep and David went to Sara's room. Before he could say anything, she said, "Dad I know you are angry with me, but she was being really difficult. You know studies are important too." "Nothing is as important as a child's self-esteem. Your job as a parent is to let her bloom safe in your shelter before she goes out alone in the world. This way you will only make her a coward." Sara was regretting her earlier behaviour. He kept his hand over her head and asked, "Now where is my cake. It's Father's Day, right?"


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