
Chandra Sundeep posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-21 on 2020-07-12

I found a love for me Darling, just dive right in And follow my lead……….. I waltzed in breezily, humming… ‘Oh mom! Pleeeeaase STOP! You are killing us….’ shrieked my teenager, rolling her kohl-lined eyes. My loquacious tween butted in, ‘Mom, this is so unfair. You are not even a real fan!’ ‘And, FYI… this is our thing, not yours’ my teen sneered. Now this was getting on my nerves, ‘It can’t be just “your” thing! Give me a good reason, why can’t it be mine as well!?’ I scowled, making air quotes… it mortified me as my daughters burst out laughing, literally rolling on the floor. With tears streaming down her cheeks, the younger one squeaked, ‘Mom, nobody does that anymore…’ She imitated my “air quotes”. ‘It’s so passé!’ and started laughing hysterically again. Ahh my bad, I didn’t know that! ‘Anyway, you know what? I’ve been on this planet far longer than you both put together, so I can fend for myself. FYI, in case you have forgotten, I was the one who taught you everything. Without me, you’d still be crawling about, pooping all around. So yeah, thanks for nothing,’ I huffed as I walked out - holding my head high and humming my favourite song, ‘Perfect’. From the corner of my eye, I caught them mocking me. Like always, I was off key... But who cares! I just love Ed Sheeran, I was going to the concert and nothing could stop me! Alas, I had spoken too soon. ‘I do need help,’ I muttered as I had a brain freeze looking at my wardrobe. Deciding what to wear was far more nerve wrecking than I had imagined. Calls to my girlfriends proved futile as they were equally perplexed. Left with no other option than to make peace with my daughters, I hollered, ‘Girls, help me!’ I have to admit, their fashion sense is definitely more up to date. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ‘Ahem…’ I coughed to garner the attention of the girls glued on to their screens. My frazzled nerves jumped as I waited for their reaction. With all seriousness, they examined me from head to toe. My insecurities flew out the window as wide smiles crossed their faces. ‘Mom, you look “PERFECT”!’ both of them yelled in unison. They exchanged high fives and cheered, congratulating themselves for selecting the perfect ensemble for their Mom. Despite being upset, my daughters had put aside their feelings and supported me when I needed them. I was so proud of them. With a cheeky grin I said in my singsong voice, ‘You know what makes it even better than perfect?’ They ran towards me squealing, as I magically pulled out two more concert tickets from my bag.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beaming with joy, our trio stepped out to enjoy our first concert. It was a perfect evening. _______________________________


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