
Pooja Gupta posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-23 on 2020-10-20

“Did you taste this dal before serving?” asked a visibly galled Sidhant.  A trembling Supriya felt choked as she took the sip, “Sorry Sidhant. Please wait, I will add some salt. I just forgot.”  “Back off. I just despise your irresponsible and careless attitude.” He threw the plate before stomping out. An inconsolable Supriya picked the shards. She couldn’t dare to take the lunch! Seven years into marriage, Supriya had not been able to discover real husband. A nice man who suddenly turned into violent one! This is how she identified him. “Sidhant, Rima is big now. May I resume my work now? Yesterday, my boss called me up again, there is a vacant post. Moreover, I will adjust my timings as per her school’s schedule,” asked Supriya feebly.  “Oh! Same question again. Sit at home and look after the house. Isn’t my earned money enough for you or maybe you want to just stay outside, “said an irritated Sidhant.  35 year old Supriya was clueless about the way her married life had shaped out. Theirs was a love marriage. Gradually she realized the journey was not as smooth as she thought it to be! Sidhant’s hysterical behavior and anger pangs started surfacing once their daughter was born. He lost interest in her. Slowly, he became belligerent and acted crazily even at the slightest of provocation even to the extent of verbally abuse.  After Raima’s birth, Supriya had left her job to be a hands-on mother. Sooner, Sidhant got so much used to her availability at home, he forbid her to join back. Supriya had realized his growing authority over her. Being in denial mode, she would often snub off her thoughts of their marriage being not working. She would often find herself at crossroad; not able to decide the right path for herself. But finally one day, Supriya’s patience gave up.  “I guess you are so desperate to join the company to have some really good times with your boss Ashok”, commented the drunkard husband. The allegation was too derogatory to bear further and she slapped him hard.  Without waiting for the consequences, she sauntered off with little Raima. A weeping yet resilient Supriya went to her parents who supported her to come out of trauma. One fine evening, her Dad said, “Beta, I am proud of you. I am glad that you didn’t succumb to gaslighting. You tried but he failed you. ‘Suppression is as big a crime as oppression’. Now, think about yourself and Raima. We will soon start the legal procedure”. She readily agreed with the decision.  Few years later The hall thundered with the applauses for motivational speaker and single parent Supriya Seth. She continued, “Don’t let yourself taken for granted always. To continue in an abusive relationship is the worst thing ever. What the man never understands is that ‘It takes millions of him to make a single strong woman.’ So understand your worth.”


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