Postcard From Heaven

Kajal Kapur posted under Flash Fiction on 2018-09-10

It was that time of the year. Steffi flipped the page on her desk calendar. Today morning was going to be a test of her perseverance. But she knew in her heart that she must cater to her responsibility without a doubt. She looked outside her window to see the kids playing merrily in the garden. It was a sunny wintery morning and looking at the kids running wild in the neatly manicured garden was a treat to her eyes. Her heart ached to realise that by tomorrow she would have one less giggle in the corridors.

She picked up the file that her secretary had placed on her desk a while ago and moved out of her office with hesitant steps towards the lobby. Varun and Bhavna looked at her walking towards them expectantly. Their eyes met. They look warm and friendly, Steffi considered. Sitting across from them on a coffee table she placed the file on her lap, protecting it with both hands. Smiling again she started off. “We have seen your application and post approvals from the authority, we have rounded off one particular angel that would suit best.”

Bhavna shifted on her seat and leaned towards Steffi. Steffi could see the faraway longing look in her pleasant but sad eyes.

Steffi continued, “She was about 5 months old when she came to our home and now she is 4 years old. She is bright, smart and beautiful….” Steffi opened the file in front, for them to look at the various forms and credentials of the child carefully flipping all the pages for them to go through. On the top-right corner was a picture of a smiling child with a curly mop of hair. Bhavana gave Varun a warm smiling glance.

Turning over to Steffi she said, “Can we see her?”

“Sure,” Steffi said. Looking out of the window she pointed at a tiny figure outside, “That’s her”.

Under the shade of a tree sat a little girl with her box of crayons, her hands moving sprucely on her drawing book. Varun and Bhavana held hands tightly. This is it! We’re going to be parents. It was like their mind was thinking out loud to each other. Steffi was glad they had chosen Bhavana and Varun as parents for this angel.

“I am so glad you were patient for all these months while we processed your application. We believe you would be the best parents for her and so we already informed her about you both. She is prepared today… to be yours”. Steffi could almost feel tears well up in her eyes again but she held them.

“Just a few more signatures and you must be good to go.” Varun and Bhavana followed her into the office. Steffi took a few signatures on the set of papers kept tidy on her desk and passed on the file to Bhavana, “This is her file with all the necessary papers. The next month, our advocate would require the final submission from you so you must visit us then, as well.”

“Sure,” Varun said looking at the file marked “Postcard from Heaven”.

Just then the little girl was brought into the room. Steffi lit up instantly looking at the girl and announced, “See Maya, these are your parents.” The little girl looked at Varun quizzically and then at Bhavana with her coin-sized eyes. Instantly her eyes moved over to Steffi and her glance softened, she held on to her stuffed toy tightly. “Don’t be scared, Maya, this is your mother”, she pointed out at Bhavana. Maya’s slow, hesitant steps led her into Bhavana’s open arms. She lifted the tiny figure and stood up. Varun followed to thank Steffi, “Thanks for all your help,” he said. Steffi smiled.

The happy duo walked out with their new bundle of joy towards the car. Maya gave a last glance towards Steffi before getting occupied by coos and cuddles from Bhavana.

Steffi’s glance followed them while they were on their way out of the gate driving off in their car. A few tears trickled from her eyes.

Another ‘postcard from heaven’ delivered.
