Captured Souls

Antara Bose posted under Blogpost on 2020-03-07
A Rendezvous with my own self. Perhaps there would be a day when you would look back, I had this hope I don’t know for how long may be since the moment we said goodbyes but I could never stop my mind to think and rethink situations where in we would meet and the way we would react. I had created vivid pictures of each and every thought that crossed my mind. The thought settled in that we were not meant for each other … Life goes on so did ours. And there there, we finally met and as if there was not a single day’s gap , no communication barrier, none atoll and that gave me hope because I have usually heard people saying that when two people meet after ages, the dead air between them hits the reality and smashes the relationship hard… Years of yearning, dreaming, waiting, missing and praying finally came to an end and it felt like there is no looking back… I have you now all by myself, my happiness knows no boundary and I feel so dearly blessed to be by your side … However a random thought crosses my mind some times that waiting for you was a journey that I covered on my own and though I have been bleeding with pain, agony all the while but still it was a journey of self-enlightenment and self-healing and in the process I managed to meet me. If I am being truthful enough to myself, I perhaps miss missing you and now I miss meeting myself. ____________________________ ____________________________   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!