#TakeTwo: Frequently Asked Questions

Penmancy posted under Blogpost on 2019-02-02
#Harness Writing


Q1. Will the word count cover the title? A1. No, the total word count is not inclusive of the title of the story. Q2. Does the story have to be in the first person or third person? A2. The voice of the story is entirely your own choice; first or third, make your choice. Q3. Do I need to submit a fresh story? A3. Absolutely! Previously published stories will not be considered for the event. Plagiarised stories stand disqualified for this event and will have the writer banned from the next event. Q4. Where do I send my entry? A4. Please send your entry to penmagica@gmail.com or through submission section on our website. Q5. What should be the dimensions of a cover if I wish to send one along with my story? A5. Your ideal story cover must be in the dimension 1200px by 675px, LANDSCAPE only.  Q6. Where can I find non-copyrighted photos for my story cover? A6.  There are a host of online platforms that provide free photos. Some of them are- pixabay (dot) com; unsplash (dot) com; pexels (dot) com. Q7. Will my story be considered for the event if the word limit exceeds by a few words? A7. Every event has a definite word count and it is ideal to follow it. Use http://wordcounter.io to check the word-count as you go along and make a few minor edits and your story would be just fine! Q8. I may have already sent my bio/profile photo to Penmancy, so am I required to send them again? A8. Unless you wish to send an updated profile or a different photo, there is no need to resend them. It would be great if you can make a mention of the same in the mail. Q9. Am I allowed to share my story on my social media? A9. Ideally, the more people read your story the more voice it will get. Therefore, feel free to share the link of the story on your social media or your Facebook timeline. Kindly use #TakeTwo and #Penmancy while sharing, please. However, you may want to wait until the results of the event are announced to share it on your blog/website or another writing platform. Don't forget to share a backlink to your story at Penmancy. (Why? Because of Q3). Q10. Do I need to be a member of Write.Read.Support. group on Facebook to send an entry to this writing event? A10. Write.Read.Support. aims at bringing readers to interact and learn from each other. Moreover, when the stories are shared in the group, we usually get great feedback from fellow writers making us hone our craft. So hop right in, we'd love to have you there. Let's learn and grow together. Q11. How is my story going to be adjudged? A11. Your story will be adjudged by a team of Penmancy judges and event organisers. Submitted entries to be adjudged based on the use of prompt/theme(8), plot & story (15), use of language (10), emotional impact (8) and narrative voice & content (9). Total scores will be aggregated to derive the average score out of 10 in conjunction with the readers' votes in the proportion 80:20. Q12. Do I compulsorily need to read and comment on 5 other stories? A12. To qualify for the event, it is expected that all writers read and support others’ works by providing valuable comments/feedback on their stories to help them improve their craft because we believe in cooperation and reciprocity. And who knows what you might find valuable to incorporate in your own story next? Q13. Can I withdraw my story/ once the event is over if I want to submit it elsewhere? A13. Kindly go through our Terms of Use to understand the process completely. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ← Go back to the event #TakeTwo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stalk us here:  To support us, you may grab this collective effort of our writers in the form of an anthology here- Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love.