Power of Truth

Sheela Iyer posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-63 on 2024-05-14

“Sush…Sushant, please don’t leave me alone.” Yelling, Sameera woke up with a jolt, drenched in sweat.  Sameera turned on the AC and attempted to sleep again, yet, in vain. While she had this dream often, that particular morning, Sameera felt a strange uneasiness. She decided to go for a stroll, but the air was thick with dust. It was not good for her weak lungs. Hence, Sameera chose to stay in her room and watch nature from her window.  While Sameera looked out the window, she thought of Anita, her best pal whom she hadn’t seen in years. Anita’s words echoed in Sameera's head: “Just as the seeds you sow yield fruits, be they sweet or bitter, Karma rebounds like a rubber ball when it hits a wall.”  Sameera squeezed her eyes and pressed her hands against her ears, but guilt, like a tide, engulfed her. The unspoken words were creating turmoil within. Each passing day was deepening the maze of Sameera’s thoughts. “What should I do?” Sameera whimpered, her voice filled with pain. The inner voice screamed, "You can't run forever”. Running away will only prolong your pain, but confronting helps get rid of the burden of guilt.  “Bu….butt will Anita forgive me?” Sameera pondered aloud. Sameera’s conscience replied, “Forgiveness is secondary. If you desire to be free from guilt, you must confess.” Sameera realized that no matter how far she ran, she could never outrun her past. It was time to face her fears and find closure.  Sameera dialled Anita’s number with trembling hands. A voice from the other end answered, “Hey, Sameera. Where did you disappear? I tried calling you but couldn’t reach you. Is everything fine?” “Forgive me, Anita,” Sameera murmured, her voice barely audible.   “What happened?” Anita asked, confused. “I ruined your life by poisoning Sushant’s mind against you. I was madly in love with him. He did not betray you.” Sameera confessed, her words rushed, her chest tightened with every syllable. She struggled to breathe.  She quickly reached for her oxygen pump, inhaled deeply, and continued, “Numerous times, I tried to reveal the truth, Anita, but lacked the courage.”  “What? All this while, I harboured hatred towards Sushant, believing he betrayed me. How could you?” Anita’s face turned red, her gaze fixed on Sameera with disgust.  “I am sorry, Anita. Although my married life is going smoothly, insecurity grips me tight. Maybe it is my karma not allowing me to be at peace. I often dream of Sushant leaving me for another woman.” Sameera’s voice quivered with remorse, and eyes welled up.   As Anita listened to Sameera's confession, a storm of emotions raged inside her. After a moment of silence, Anita spoke, “Sameera, what you did was indeed wrong and unforgivable, but I believe in the power of redemption, so I forgive you. Let's not allow our past to define our present or future.”  Sameera profusely thanked Anita and realized that confronting heals.