
Bilquis Fatima posted under PenMuse-12 Poetry on 2019-10-20

Like the clouds, you drifted  away to distant land In pursuit of your dreams. You endeavoured to gain A life of affluence,  Leaving parched hearts behind. The glitter of  strange land, New places and faces Captivate, mesmerize, Lifestyles entice, provides, Ostentation presides. Success is misconstrued. Engrossed deep in your strive  To ameliorate life Success prioritized, Bonding gets compromised. Your visits become few swapped by excuses new.   Feelings wane away as, You endlessly explore While far back at  home, Vacant eyes search for the  Happiness and warmness, that money can’t purchase. Your loving  grandmother  turns stoic, keeps counting days, Ears hung  to phone bell, waits eagerly for your news. Living  for all these years    Vicariously through you. The doors await your steps, festivities  miss you,  along with the loved ones, to bring back their lost smiles. And make this house a home, for  souls hungry  for warmth. ___________________ ___________________