
Bhavi Thakkar posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-16 on 2020-02-24

Rohan was standing at the auditorium's door and impatiently checking his watch every five minutes. It was Rohan's convocation ceremony. He was graduating today. His mother was supposed to attend the event which had already started, and all of Rohan's friends' parents were there, only his mother was late. Amidst his thoughts, his phone rang. It was Raunak. He had been waiting for Rohan inside the auditorium. Rohan received the call, "Hello, yeah Raunak", " Rohan where are you man, the felicitation  has already started, come fast" "Yeah, I'll be there in a minute," He reluctantly walking into the auditorium still thinking about his mother. Rohan had called his to invite them. His mother was very happy to know this and said that since his father was travelling, he would not be able to attend the event but she promised to attend it. Her words were ringing in his head, "Son, I will come. I promise". Rohan was sad and engrossed in his thoughts when he heard somebody call out his name. He turned around to find his mother standing with a broad smile on her lips and excitement in her beaming eyes. Rohan smiled. He ran towards his mother and hugged her tightly. He was very happy to see her. They both walked inside. When Rohan's mother was comfortable on her chair, he went backstage for receiving his certificate. The ceremony was over and everyone was busy clicking photos with friends and family. The whole environment was happy and joyous. Everyone was making promises with their friends to be in touch with each other. Rohan's mother stood there looking at him and she was very satisfied to see him so happy. Everything was over and now it was time to go back home so everyone started leaving the venue. Rohan also called a cab since his mother did not drive their car. The cab was there and Rohan got inside, but his mother said "you go home beta, I have a friend nearby and will meet her". Rohan agreed and they both said goodbye and the car started to move. After some time Rohan received a call from an unknown number. He answered it. It was from a hospital. Rohan's phone slipped from his hands after hearing the person at the other end. He started crying like a baby. The man from the hospital said, "Mr. Rohan Sharma, I am Inspector Kumar. We have found a dead body of a woman who met with a car accident on Mumbai-Pune Highway. We believe she is your mother, so please come and identify the body and do the formalities." His mother's words were ringing inside his head "Son, I will come. I promise". ________ ________ Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!