Quest for Survival

Supriya Bansal posted under PenMuse-21 Poetry on 2020-07-22

Will you tell me O dear, what will you do to sustain ‘n survive? When all is said ‘n done, when the push comes to shove. Will you clutch ‘n cull the flesh of your compeer? And devour it with smithereens of your soul to satiate your hunger.

Will you poise yourself on the skull of the drowning coeval? In a desperate last-ditch effort to detain, stay afloat ‘n alive, When a deluge of dolor ‘n disarray envelopes everyone in sight, Will you parade over the buoyant bodies plunging 'em under? O comrade, how far will you connive in this game to thrive? To crow ‘n conquer, to amass ‘n attain, come hell or high water, Will you carve ‘n cremate your conscience, never to revive? ‘n watch others follow suit amidst bogus ’n brazen cheer. Not me, you jeer 'n deride, but the moment is yet to arrive. Only in the darkest of nights, do the demons ascend ‘n appear. ______________________________


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